:Base abshared.HLP 1 Getting started 2 Starting with Ability 3 Introducing Ability Office 98=Introducing_Ability_Office_98 3 Install and uninstall 4 Installation=Installation 4 Hardware requirements=Hardware_requirements 4 Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0=Windows_95_and_Windows_NT_4.0 4 Windows NT 3.5=Windows_NT_3.5 4 Removing Ability=Removing_Ability 3 Opening and closing Ability 4 Running Ability=Running_Ability 4 Starting an Ability Application=Starting_an_Ability_Application 4 Switching between Ability applications=Switching_between_Ability_applications 4 Exiting Ability=Exiting_Ability 2 Documents and folders 3 Documents and folders=Common_Ability_functions 3 Creating a new document=Creating_a_new_document 3 Document summary information and statistics=Document_summary_information_and_statistics 3 Opening documents 4 Opening existing documents=Opening_existing_documents 4 Opening a document within an application=Opening_a_document_within_an_application 4 Using the Launcher=Using_the_Launcher 4 Using Windows recent document list=Using_Windows_recent_document_list 3 Saving documents 4 Saving a file=Saving_a_file 4 Saving a document under a different name=Saving_a_document_under_a_different_name 3 Working with documents and folders 4 Working with documents and folders=Working_with_documents_and_folders 4 Using the Open dialog=The_Open_dialog 4 Navigating folders=Navigating_folders 4 Copying documents and folders=Copying 4 Deleting documents and folders=Deleting 4 Renaming documents and folders=Renaming 4 Document extensions=File_extensions 3 Finding documents 4 Finding documents=Finding_documents 4 Finding documents in the Open dialog=Finding_documents_in_the_Open_dialog 4 Finding documents with Explorer=Finding_documents_with_Explorer 3 Document backups 4 Creating backups=Creating_backups 4 Backing up using Save As=Backing_up_using_Save_As 4 Backing up using Windows or a third party backup system=Backing_up_using_Windows_or_a_third_party_backup_system 2 Windows basics 3 Windows basics=Windows_basics 3 In Ability 4 Shortcut keystrokes=Shortcut_keystrokes 4 Changing the screen view=Changing_the_screen_view 4 Toolbars=Toolbars 4 Organizing buttons on toolbars=Customizing_toolbars 4 Toolbar appearance=Toolbar_appearance 4 Status bar=Status_bar 3 Windows in general 4 Clicking=Clicking 4 Selecting=Selecting 4 Drag and drop=Drag_and_drop 4 Using menus=Choosing_from_menus 4 Shortcut menus=Shortcut_menus 4 Closing, minimizing and maximizing windows=Closing_minimizing_and_maximizing_windows 4 Changing the size of a window=Changing_the_size_of_the_window 2 The Help System 3 Getting help=The_on_line_help_system 3 Using the help topics dialog=Using_the_help_topics_dialog 3 Navigating inside the help pages=Navigating_inside_the_help_pages